I'm Baaaaccckkkk!
After an amazingly long journey, I’m back to blogging.
It took a very, very, very long time to get the new web site up (I finally found the right designer – Andrea Walker of Walker Park Media – who did a brilliant job; then like the cobbler with no shoes, it took me ages to write the site), but I’m so happy with it and I’m delighted to be able to commit to the blog again!
Now, located here, you’re going to find a wider range of blog posts – but don’t worry, you’ll still find tales of The Renovator’s Wife – you’ll just have a few additional tidbits as well.
It’s good to be back.

Ronda Payne
A writer since she first held a pen, Ronda Payne – aka: the Girl with a Pen, is passionate about words. In 2007, she kissed ‘real jobs’ goodbye and began her true career as a copywriter, non-fiction freelance writer (magazines and other periodicals) and creative writer.