Renovators in Limbo
So here we are. The house is sold, the new one purchased, plans made, sketches drawn, to-do lists and timelines firmly in place. And now we wait.
There’s packing to do and I’ve been procrastinating on that front. Then, of course, there’s the endless stream of regular activities we do on a day-to-day basis to keep things running, but what do we do with that extra time when we used to be renovating? Sometimes we do nothing!
We unhooked the satellite about 4 months ago when we were shifting rooms around, painting and finishing. We’ve just never bothered to hook it back up so we’ve grown used to not having TV. I’m not saying that we don’t miss it a little bit – the other night we were firmly glued to The Renovator’s sister’s TV like we’d never seen one before! But we’re doing fine without it. We read a lot. Something The Renovator hasn’t taken the time to do in the past. His taste is diverse as he combs my bookshelves for his next read – Nelson Mandella’s autobiography, Patricia Cornwell, little known UK writers, Cynthia Lennon’s book, “John” – The Renovator has covered a lot of pages!
I work, write, read, make notes and lists – you know, the types of things recovering Type A personalities do!
The Renovator is doing a few small things around the house. Just minor, final things we agreed to do for the new homeowners, but nothing that takes much time. Although we’re still busy and have no trouble filling the evenings, it seems as though the pace has come down a notch, which is quite nice. We’re planning on continuing this slightly slower groove into the winter in the new house. We’ll spend time working on the plans for the house and we’ll also get cable hooked up so that The Renovator can feed his sports addiction and I can watch CSI. We’ll enjoy Christmas as Christmas, instead of Christmas as Renovation Christmas, like it has been for the past several years (this sometimes means tiny trees on the kitchen table because the other rooms are ripped apart!).
We’ll allow the ‘girls’ (cat and dog) to adjust to the new house before we start ripping up the carpets and knocking down walls.
Something I’m looking forward to is a pre-Christmas house-warming party. For the party, I’m planning to attach permanent markers by string on one of the walls we’re going to rip out and invite our guests to write messages on the wall! Here’s hoping everyone has enough sense to keep it PG. 🙂
Although things are slowing down, sometimes my mind doesn’t. The other night, before falling asleep, I reworked the new floorplan for the house at least 3 times. The kitchen is particularly important and for some reason I still haven’t got it quite right. Odd that my mind can’t let it wait until we actually move in, but that’s why I love being The Renovator’s Wife!

Ronda Payne
A writer since she first held a pen, Ronda Payne – aka: the Girl with a Pen, is passionate about words. In 2007, she kissed ‘real jobs’ goodbye and began her true career as a copywriter, non-fiction freelance writer (magazines and other periodicals) and creative writer.